Promoting gender equality in the Culture and Leisure Division

Estimated reading time 2 minutes
Assessment objective
The main question of the assessment was whether the Culture and Leisure Division has started implementing measures to promote gender equality in accordance with the City services’ gender equality and non-discrimination plans. This was assessed by determining whether the division has set equality targets in accordance with the gender equality and non-discrimination plans, whether data has been collected on the gender distribution of the users of cultural and sports services and whether visitor statistics and resident profiles have been used to develop the content of cultural services. It was also assessed whether gender impact assessment has been developed in the agreed activities and locations, whether access to leisure services has been improved for minority genders and whether service-specific safer space principles have been developed for the division.
Measures to promote gender equality have been advanced in accordance with the gender equality and non-discrimination plans in such a way that it will be possible to complete them by the end of 2021. Data on the gender distribution of visitors to cultural and sports services has been collected in different ways in different services. The collection and utilisation of resident profiles will be developed during the spring of 2021. At the time of the assessment, gender impact assessment was starting in separately agreed functions and locations. Gender minorities’ access to services is being increased. A study on intimate facilities suitable for gender minorities in sports and recreation facilities in accordance with the City’s gender equality plan was completed in 2020. Service-specific safer space principles are being developed for the Culture and Leisure Division at a couple of locations.
the Culture and Leisure division must
◼ develop the collection of visitor data in sports services to make it possible to monitor the attendance of sports time slots by gender and utilise the data for a more equal
distribution of time slots, for example.
◼ evaluate and, if possible, implement the recommendations of the study on intimate facilities suitable for gender minorities in the sports and recreation facilities maintained by the City of Helsinki.
◼ promote the introduction of safer space principles in sports services more widely than just one location.
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