Implementation of the Physical Activity Programme goals

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The main focus of the assessment was to examine whether the goals concerning Helsinki’s Physical Activity Programme have been achieved. Helsinki’s Physical Activity Programme 2018–2021 was approved by the City Board on 3 December 2018. The assessment examined three of the eight target areas of the Physical Activity Programme. They focused on the physical activity of children and young people and the attractiveness and encouraging nature of the activity environment. The target areas contained a total of 25 measures.
Improved, city-organisation-level awareness of the positive impact of physical activity was seen as one of the most important results of the Physical Activity Programme. The measures of the Physical Activity Programme also increased the leisure activities provided at schools and developed easily accessible leisure activities. Furthermore, the conditions for Helsinki residents’ physical activity have improved since the urban environment has been altered so that it favours being physically active. Not all the Physical Activity Programme’s measure-specific indicators had a target level. A target level set for the indicators would make monitoring easier. Organisations have asked the city for additional assistance in communications related to the physical activity projects provided through grants. The implementation of leisure activities for children and young people requires adequate and high-quality communications about the leisure activities.
the Culture and Leisure Division must
- in the future, set clear target levels for the indicators of actions promoting physical activity so that the achievement of the targets can be monitored.
- communicate more actively about the physical activity programmes implemented with subsidies.
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