Communal student welfare in basic education

Estimated reading time 2 minutes
Assessment objective
The main question of the assessment was whether the communal student welfare at Helsinki’s comprehensive schools is in line with the Student Welfare Act. This was assessed by determining whether communal student welfare has taken into account the statutory preventive activities, whether monitoring methods have been set up for communal student welfare and whether the welfare officer and psychologist resources of student welfare are compliant with regulations.
Communal student welfare in basic education is mainly in line with the Student Welfare Act, but the pupils’ right to receive psychologist and welfare officer services in student welfare was not realised within the statutory deadline. The systematic planning of communal student welfare and its implementation in multidisciplinary cooperation between the Education Division and the Social Services and Health Care Division have been increased. Student welfare has been monitored through in-house supervision as prescribed by law. The guardians’ participation in the meetings of the student welfare group was only realised at approximately a third of the schools. The school-specific monitoring of pupils’ well-being did not cover all schools.
The City’s student welfare provides welfare officer and psychologist services to both schools run by the City and private and state schools, but no information was available on the distribution of the workload of welfare officers and psychologists between the schools run by different parties.
the basic education student welfare of the Education Division must
◼ ensure that pupils receive psychologist and welfare officer services within the statutory deadline.
◼ ensure that schools invite guardians to attend a meeting of the school’s communal student welfare group at least once per term.
◼ ensure that schools regularly monitor the pupils’ well-being in a consistent and comparable way.
◼ monitor the implementation of the dimensioning criteria for welfare officers and psychologists in a documented manner.
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