Favourable attitude towards companies and cooperation with companies

Estimated reading time 2 minutes
The main focus of the assessment was on examining whether the city has implemented enough measures the aim of which is to increase cooperation with companies and favourable attitude towards companies. The Helsinki City Strategy 2017–2021 set the goal of Helsinki being the best city for companies in Finland. The assessment mainly focused on examining the actions of the City Executive Office’s Economic Development Department.
The city has implemented enough measures the aim of which is to increase cooperation with companies and favourable attitude towards companies. Measures have been taken on schedule, but the assessment measures concerning corporate impact could not be implemented as planned, partially due to the pandemic. The assessments of corporate impact have not always been completed on time to support the decision-making processes. At the moment, the service and decision-making processes for corporate customers might appear fairly slow because there is no way to monitor the progress of the process.
Based on the indicators assessed, it is impossible to say outright whether the city’s favourable attitude towards companies and the companies’ satisfaction with the city as an operating environment have improved during the period assessed. The city’s instructions take small and medium-sized enterprises in public administration into account in the extent allowed by the legislation. The development of the participation rate of SMEs cannot be monitored currently. The city’s communications are largely organised so that they promote a favourable attitude towards companies and interaction. No specific follow-up evaluation concerning the reach or impact of communications will be implemented.
the City Executive Office’s Economic Development Department must, in cooperation with the divisions,
- investigate the possibility of increasing the transparency of the corporate customer service process.
the City Executive Office’s Economic Development Department must
- ensure that the assessments of the corporate impacts are completed early enough so that they support the decision-making process.
- find a well-functioning way to monitor the number of SMEs participating in the competitive tendering organised by the city.
- develop the monitoring of the reach and effectiveness of corporate communications.
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