The progress of urban renewal

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The goal of the assessment

The assessment’s main question was whether the City Executive Office and the Urban Environment Division had made sufficient progress on the urban renewal objectives. This was assessed by examining whether adequate measures have been initiated to allow one-third more housing to be built in urban renewal areas by 2035 and to balance the distribution of the forms of ownership and financing. Also assessed was whether sufficient measures have been initiated and implemented to improve resident perceptions of safety and wellbeing in these areas and whether measures have been taken to increase their vitality and attractiveness.


The City Executive Office and the Urban Environment Division have largely made sufficient progress on the urban renewal objectives. Plots of land that have been zoned in the urban renewal areas are likely to allow for adequate infill construction in the future. Balancing the distribution of ownership and financing types and implementing owner-occupied housing projects, on the other hand, is still likely to require many different measures. The measures taken so far to increase amenity, safety, vitality and attractiveness have been relatively minor. The implementation and development of extensive measures are still ongoing. Moreover, the development proposals for improving the business environment have yet to be implemented. There is room for improvement in the coordination of urban renewal.

The Audit Committee concludes that

the City Executive Office and the Urban Environment Division should 

  • promote business activities in urban renewal areas and ensure that the business environment is improved as urban renewal areas are developed. 

the City Executive Office should 

  • ensure that the coordination of the divisions in the urban renewal areas is effective.

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