
Social guidance for families with children

The City Strategy states that families will be supported in a multidisciplinary way, with resources directed towards early and wide-ranging support. Access to social guidance for families with children has been improved and the service has been expanded and developed. However, the waiting time for the service has increased, and the availability of skilled personnel has decreased.
Read more about social guidance for families with children ›

Preventing drug-related deaths in substance abuse services

The city’s substance abuse services have facilitated access to treatment for people with drug dependencies through many reforms that have improved access to opioid substitution and detoxification treatment. The impact of the reforms on access to other substance abuse services could not be assessed because the reforms have only been in place for a very brief period and comparable statistical data were not available. Services for people suffering from drug dependence can also reduce the harm caused by drug use and improve the amenity and safety of the surrounding area, but facilities are lacking.
Read more about the prevention of drug-related deaths in substance abuse services ›

Maternity and child health services to support families with children

Maternity and child health services aim to meet the individual needs of families. However, families do not always receive specialised support quickly enough, and there is room for improvement in the continuity of care.
Read more about maternity and child health services ›

Services in Family and Social Services to support the well-being of informal carers

Temporary care for people under 65 during informal care leave does not always meet the needs of different client groups. There are not enough temporary care placements for all client groups.
Read more about the services to support the well-being of informal carers ›

Achievement of binding objectives

51 per cent of the binding operation objectives were achieved. The prolongation of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the achievement of the objectives of the Education Division and the Social Services and Health Care Division in particular.
Read more about the achievement of the 2021 binding objectives ›

Adequacy of open child welfare services

The number of employees in the services of open child welfare is at its statutory level, but due to the increased challenges families face, all needs cannot always be addressed. Furthermore, child welfare has open vacancies for social workers, but the vacancies remain uncovered.
Read more about the adequacy of open child welfare ›

Home care for elderly citizens

Efforts have been made to develop home care in the last few years, but most of the objectives have not been achieved. Home care’s most prominent issue is the shortage of personnel. Linguistic equality is not realised due to the lack of Swedish-speaking nursing personnel.
Read more about the adequacy of home care ›

Mental health rehabilitees’ path from hospital care to housing

The city has strived to promote mental health rehabilitees’ access to housing services by turning the Aurora Hospital’s wards of rehabilitative psychiatry into housing units and by increasing the service selection of housing services in the competitive tendering of purchased services. However, the number of people on the waiting list for housing services has not decreased.
Read more about the housing path of mental health rehabilitees ›

Elderly patients in emergency services

Home care and service housing have introduced a guidebook for emergency situations and the mobile nurse service, but they are not utilised to their full potential. Closer cooperation should be established when discharging patients from hospital.
Read more about emergency services for elderly citizens ›

Sufficiency of Child Welfare foster care

Child Welfare is having challenges in meeting the increased need for foster care with family care and special and demanding institutional care.
Read more about Child Welfare foster care ›

Substance abuse services

The Social Services and Health Care Division has developed the treatment of people with substance abuse problems and harm reduction services and lowered the threshold for access to services. Cooperation with other operators, particularly child welfare services, needs to be developed.
Read more about the assessment of substance abuse services ›

Quality control of 24-hour care of the elderly

The quality control of the 24-hour care of the elderly can be considered to be satisfactory in the City’s own service provision and sufficient in purchased services.
Read more about Quality control of 24-hour care of the elderly

Cooperation and multi-professionality at family centres

The family centre model has increased cooperation between different professionals according to the objectives. Family centre work is just beginning in several areas of Helsinki, and there are still needs for development.
Read more about Cooperation and multi-professionality at family centres