Efficient use of building assets

The city has developed its building asset management and disposal processes and ownership policies, but these do not yet fully support strategic objectives and service needs. The disposal process for premises has recently been developed, so it remains to be seen what its effects will be.
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Employee well-being, retention and attraction in early childhood education and care

According to the city strategy, the city must improve working conditions and staff availability in early childhood education and care. The Education Division has taken many measures, but staff well-being, retention and attraction have deteriorated due to severe staff shortages.
Read more about staff well-being, retention and attraction in early childhood education and care ›

Promoting the well-being of upper secondary school students

The Education Division has taken many steps to improve student well-being and increase their sense of community. However, the services of student welfare psychologists are not easily accessible, and there is a waiting list for further treatment.
Read more about promoting the well-being of upper secondary school students ›

Access to early-stage mental health services for adults

The city has worked to improve adults’ access to early-stage mental health services, e.g. by training staff and opening more Mieppi low-threshold mental health units. The impact of the new tools introduced through training has yet to translate into faster access to care for clients.
Read more about access to early-stage mental health services for adults ›

Maternity and child health services to support families with children

Maternity and child health services aim to meet the individual needs of families. However, families do not always receive specialised support quickly enough, and there is room for improvement in the continuity of care.
Read more about maternity and child health services ›

Services in Family and Social Services to support the well-being of informal carers

Temporary care for people under 65 during informal care leave does not always meet the needs of different client groups. There are not enough temporary care placements for all client groups.
Read more about the services to support the well-being of informal carers ›

The impact of residential planning on green spaces

Residential planning has sought to preserve green spaces and valuable nature sites. However, green spaces have been designated for housing, as land-use planning also pursues its objectives for housing production.
Read more about the impact of residential planning on green spaces ›

Resident participation in land-use planning

The opportunities for residents to participate in land-use planning are broader than the legislation requires. Less active groups are activated if necessary.
Read more about resident participation in land-use planning ›

Safety in the city’s various areas

The number of crimes committed by young people has remained relatively stable in recent years. However, serious criminal offences against persons committed by young people are on the rise. On the other hand, there has been a marked decline in police alerts for disorderly behaviour and vandalism.
Read more about safety in the city’s various areas ›