Home care for elderly citizens

Efforts have been made to develop home care in the last few years, but most of the objectives have not been achieved. Home care’s most prominent issue is the shortage of personnel. Linguistic equality is not realised due to the lack of Swedish-speaking nursing personnel.
Read more about the adequacy of home care ›

Elderly patients in emergency services

Home care and service housing have introduced a guidebook for emergency situations and the mobile nurse service, but they are not utilised to their full potential. Closer cooperation should be established when discharging patients from hospital.
Read more about emergency services for elderly citizens ›

Mental health rehabilitees’ path from hospital care to housing

The city has strived to promote mental health rehabilitees’ access to housing services by turning the Aurora Hospital’s wards of rehabilitative psychiatry into housing units and by increasing the service selection of housing services in the competitive tendering of purchased services. However, the number of people on the waiting list for housing services has not decreased.
Read more about the housing path of mental health rehabilitees ›

Implementation of the Physical Activity Programme goals

The actions of the Physical Activity Programme of Helsinki have largely been implemented. The majority of the three target areas’ actions have been either implemented or advanced on schedule.
Read more about the implementation of the actions of the Physical Activity Programme ›

Promotion of biodiversity in forestry

The natural value of the city’s forests have increased in the long term, thanks to the nature management and planned exclusions from the management. The key actions promoting biodiversity were allowing forests to have moulder wood, favouring trees of different species and ages, and excluding sites recognised as important for biodiversity from the nature management.
Read more about promoting biodiversity in forestry ›

Favourable attitude towards companies and cooperation with companies

The measures promoting a friendly attitude towards companies, for which the Economic Development Division of the City Executive Office was responsible, have largely been successful. In the future, the development of corporate cooperation and a favourable attitude towards companies will require contributions from the entire city organisation and the Economic Development Division in particular.
Read more about the favourable attitude towards companies and cooperation with companies ›

City’s digital security

The city has prepared for digital security risks, but the level of preparedness should still be increased. For instance, the organisation of digital security still needs improvement.
Read more about the city’s digital security ›

Realisation of tenant democracy within Helsingin kaupungin asunnot Oy

At Heka, residents do not have authority in all the matters required by the Act on Joint Management of Rental Buildings. On the other hand, Heka’s tenant democracy has elements not required by the legislation. The activists for residents’ rights are unsatisfied with the actual influencing opportunities the residents have.
Read more about the realisation of Heka’s tenant democracy ›

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