Promoting sustainable transport modes

The percentage of sustainable forms of transport has not increased. Promoting walking is very much in its initial stages and operates with limited resources.
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Streamlining driving, walking and logistics in Helsinki’s city centre

As set out in its city strategy and various programmes, the city has taken many measures to streamline walking, driving and logistics. However, significant impacts have yet to be seen.
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Achievement of binding objectives

51 per cent of the binding operation objectives were achieved. The prolongation of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the achievement of the objectives of the Education Division and the Social Services and Health Care Division in particular.
Read more about the achievement of the 2021 binding objectives ›

City economy

The economy of the city still has a sound foundation, even though the increasing operating costs have exceeded the limits determined by the City Strategy. The city has succeeded in reducing the loan portfolio in accordance with the strategy while the investment costs have been high. The social welfare and health care reform in 2023 will change the financing base considerably.
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Remedying the loss of learning caused by distance education in secondary schools

Secondary schools have increased the support available in order to remedy the loss of learning caused by distance education; however, allocating the support in the future requires reliable data.
Read more about remedying the loss of learning caused by distance education in secondary schoolsyläkouluissa ›

Adequacy of student counselling in vocational education

Student counselling and the rate of studies completion have been developed in a diverse manner, but based on the survey of the personnel, there is not enough counselling available to students.
Read more about student counselling in vocational education. ›

Adequacy of open child welfare services

The number of employees in the services of open child welfare is at its statutory level, but due to the increased challenges families face, all needs cannot always be addressed. Furthermore, child welfare has open vacancies for social workers, but the vacancies remain uncovered.
Read more about the adequacy of open child welfare ›